Message from the Management
Maecenas volutpat dapibus dignissim. Vestibulum ut lorem nisl. Nullam sollicitudin ultricies sem vel ornare.
Vestibulum ut lorem nisl. Nullam sollicitudin ultricies sem vel ornare.
It is with particular joy, but with a sense of responsibility as well, that we write this message.
Our mission is not simply restricted to teaching, but to developing personalities that will be ready to meet the challenges both present and future. Developing people with a say and stake in the present, people with a future, that in itself is sufficient confirmation that one would require to seal ICBS's success.
The impressive number of those who have placed their trust in us, burdens ICBS with the responsibility to meeting their expectations.
We have been entrusted not only by the families of our students, but also by organisations and businesses. The latter either offer scholarships, as they consider this the best kind of investment they can ever hope to make, or at a later date go on to recruit our graduates, in order to satisfy their human resource requirements.
We would further like to assure our future students of the fact that they will in turn feel as others before them. In other words, that they have chosen the most distinguished and prestigious education organisation (Business College) in Greece, operating under international standards, internationally recognised and certified.
The ICBS Business College offers the most convenient campus, with modern, purpose-built, privately-owned facilities, exemplifying specialised and highly qualified academic staff, with care for the individual and benefiting from the latest in technological innovations, guaranteed by a British public university.
From day one, ICBS's philosophy was based on five pillars:
of European and International standards
adapted to local market needs, but also taking into account future developments of an global arena.
that combine academic background and professional experience.
to foster a congenial to learning environment.
so that ideas are created but more importantly developed into effective business ventures.