Career Office
Career Office has as the main purpose to place professionally our graduates in jobs in Thessaloniki, in the north of Greece, as well as in other regions of Greece
ICBS Thessaloniki Business College, in addition to providing a prestigious degree in collaboration with a British University, is in close contacts with the students for the difficult job search through the Career Office. All graduates / students interested in entering in the list of the Career Office database are requested to fill in the following curriculum vitae form and send it to the email:, or the fax: 2310697795.
Business and Organizations
We cooperate with a significant number of businesses that are looking for our graduates. Collaboration with us ensures you faster, easier and at no cost, finding the suitable people who can cover your vacancies.
Career Office Services:
1. Constant communication and cooperation with:
• Graduates who are looking to us to find a job
• Businesses looking for people to fill vacant jobs
• Job Finders (companies)
2. Providing Advice on topics such as:
• Curriculum Vitae
• Completing a job application
• Preparing for an interview
• Steps for a successful course-career
• AChoosing the right job
3. Information on topics such as:
• Labor market
• Possibilities and Options of Working Relationships (Full-time, Part-time, Practical Exercise, Summer Occupation, etc.)
• New professions and specializations
• Labor Legislation and Employee Rights and Obligations
• Ability to participate in Subsidized or other European Vocational Training Programs
• Seminars / Conferences and Workshops organized either by our College, or by other organizations, to which both our students and our graduates are advised to attend.
The Career Office operates at ICBS Thessaloniki Business College, but it is also available for the graduates of ICBS Athens International College, and ICBS Larissa Business College.